
Video tutorials

Drupal Development on Ubuntu with Virtualbox. Part 6: Serving Websites from Ubuntu to Windows

In the previous episodes, we've setup Ubuntu as a virtual server to work on Drupal and other projects right on Ubuntu as a guest OS. However, sometimes it's more convenient to configure Ubuntu LAMP to serve webpages directly to the host OS (Windows) browsers. In this tutorial, we're going to configure the network interfaces to assign static IP to the Ubuntu server and Apache virtual hosting to host several websites from the same IP. Watch the video or read further for detailed instructions with screenshots.

Watch the Screencast

Tutorial In a Nutshell

Software used: Ubuntu 10.04, Vbox 3.2.8

Configure Virtualbox network settings

Shutdown the virtual machine if you have it turned on. Go to Settings->Network and enable Adapter 2 (don’t change anything on Adapter 1 tab, you’ll need to connect to the internet). For Attached to dropdown choose Host-only Adapter and click Ok to save.

Configure Virtualbox network settings

Then open File -> Preferences -> Network. On DHCP Server tab, uncheck Enable Server as we’ll be using a static IP for the server.

Configure Virtualbox network settings

On Adapter tab assign an IPv4 address (I chose the one with the 10 range – Save it then start Ubuntu again.

Configure Virtualbox network settings

Configure networking on Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, open the terminal and type ifconfig to check the network configuration. You’ll see the second interface (usually eth1).

Configure networking on Ubuntu

Next we’ll modify the network interfaces

$ sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

Append these lines to the file:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
name Ethernet alias LAN card
auto eth1:0
iface eth1:0 inet static
name Ethernet alias LAN card
auto eth1:1
iface eth1:1 inet static
name Ethernet alias LAN card

Configure networking on Ubuntu

In short, we’re assigning 3 IPs to be used for the virtual hosting of our development websites. Save it and close. Restart networking:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

If you run ifconfig now, you should see the new IPs in use.

Set up Apache virtual hosts and modify hosts files

Cd to /etc/apache2/sites-availalable. Open one of the files (or create a new one) and change VirtualHost directive to use one of the IPs. It should look something like this:

  ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
  ServerName drupal616

  DocumentRoot /home/natalie/drupalsites/drupal-6.16

  <Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All

Restart Apache.

Next the hosts file for both guest and host operating systems. On Ubuntu it’s on etc/hosts.

Set up Apache virtual hosts and modify hosts files

On Windows, you need to open the hosts file as an Administrator to be able to modify it. Go to Start and search for Notepad. Then right click and choose Run as administrator:

Set up Apache virtual hosts and modify hosts files

Then go to File->Open and go to Windows->System32->drivers->etc and choose All Files in the dropdown. Open the hosts file.

Set up Apache virtual hosts and modify hosts files

Add the website and the IP address to the file the same as you did for the Ubuntu hosts file.

Set up Apache virtual hosts and modify hosts files

Now if you open the browser on Windows and type in the website URL it should load.

Set up Apache virtual hosts and modify hosts files

Repeat the steps using free IPs when you need to add a new website.

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

You can also set up shared folders to serve the files from the Windows machine (just point to the mount directory in the Apache host file). I use the same IP in this example as I’ve used for the previous website.

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

Now enable the website

$ sudo a2ensite &lt;sitename&gt;

Now if you reload Apache you’ll get the warning to configure NameVirtualHost directive to be able to serve more than one website from the same IP.

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

Open the ports config file from /etc/apache2/ directory:

$ sudo gedit ports.conf

Add NameVirtualHost with your IP:

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

Make sure you’re consistent: if you’re using port 80 in the Apache virtual host file, you should use it here as well.

Save the file and restart Apache. Now you can add the new website in the hosts files of Ubuntu and Windows.

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

Now you should be able to load both websites in Windows (I’ve just added a dummy index file to the testsite directory to check it).

At this point, you don’t need to use the GUI anymore. You can turn it off by running service gdm stop:

Hosting multiple websites on the single IP

Then, if you install SSH, you can administer Ubuntu through the command line (Putty is a popular choice for Windows).