
Video tutorials

Drupal Development on Ubuntu with Virtualbox. Part 3: Configure Apache Virtual Hosts to Install a New Drupal Website

Having installed LAMP on Ubuntu in the previous video tutorials, we're now ready to set up Drupal - with some additional configuration of Apache virtual host.

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Tutorial In a Nutshell

1. Configure Apache2 to enable virtual hosts.

Open php.ini to edit:

$ sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

Make sure memory_limit is set to at least 128 MB (check with the Drupal requirements if you're not sure). Save the file.

configure apache to serve websites

Enable Apache rewrite engine by running this command:

$ sudo a2enmod rewrite

Now you need to restart Apache to activate the new configuration:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

You might be getting this warning from Apache regarding the domain name:

configure apache to serve websites

It's not critical, but you can easily fix it by creating the file called "servername" in the /etc/apache2/conf.d directory. Then add this line

ServerName <your hostname>

configure apache to serve websites

2. Create a new webhost

Instead of the default Apache web directory, you can keep your websites in your home directory for convenience.

Change to your home directory ("$ cd ~") and create the new directory where you'll be keeping your websites, for example, "drupalsites":

$mkdir drupalsites

Go to this directory.

Create a new webhost

Download the latest version of Drupal in this directory and untar it (either in the browser or using "wget" command - see the instructions on Now you'll get a new directory with the latest drupal version in its name (for example, drupal-6.19). You can keep it the way it is or change it to something else.

Create a new webhost

Create a new hostname for this website in the /etc/hosts:

$ gksudo gedit /etc/hosts

Add a line for your website, such as: drupal616

Create a new webhost

Close and let's create a new apache virtual host. Change to sites-available and create a new file using this hostname:

$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

$ gksudo gedit drupal616

It should similar to the screenshot (replace hostname and Document root with your own):

Create a new webhost

Add the website to sites-enabled:

$sudo a2ensite drupal616

Restart Apache. Now the website should be available at the url "http://drupal616".

3. Create a new MySQL database and user in phpMyAdmin. 

Open phpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin). Go to Privileges and then "Add a new user".

Create a new MySQL database and user in phpMyAdmin

Choose localhost and enter the name and password. You can create the database with the same name and grant all privileges to this user.

Create a new MySQL database and user in phpMyAdmin

4. Install a new Drupal Website

Go back to your new Drupal site and install it. If you've installed Drupal before, it should all be familiar.

To create a new settings file, you can use this command after you change to "sites/default":

$ cp default.settings.php settings.php

To change permissions:

$ chmod 777 settings.php

To create the files directory:

$ mkdir files

$ chmod 777 files

Then enter the database name and username and proceed with the installation.

When you've finished installation, change back permission on settings.php:

$ chmod 644 settings.php