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Drupal setup and administration


Drush Tutorial: Installation and Main Commands

When it comes to Drupal administration and development tasks, Drush is the number one tool everyone should have in their arsenal. Drush can assist with variety of common tasks, from installing and updating Drupal core and contributed projects to running specific commands like clearing cache to synching between staging and live servers. And any of these tasks is accomplished with just a single command (with maybe some adjustment of the configuration settings for more advanced stuff).


Drupal Development on Ubuntu with Virtualbox. Part 4: Installing Mailserver (Postfix) and Configuring Local Mail

So we've configured Apache virtual hosting and installed Drupal on Ubuntu in the previous Drupal tutorial, but now we want to be able to check sending mail for our website. In order to do this, we're going to install a mail server (Postfix) and configure local mail delivery.


Drupal Development on Ubuntu with Virtualbox. Part 3: Configure Apache Virtual Hosts to Install a New Drupal Website

Having installed LAMP on Ubuntu in the previous video tutorials, we're now ready to set up Drupal - with some additional configuration of Apache virtual host.